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2021.04.28. 오늘의 격언

편견쟁이의 투자 2021. 4. 28. 08:30

주식시장의 수익은 도깨비 보물과 같다.
한때 홍옥이었는데 어느 순간 석탄이 되어 있고
한때 다이아몬드였는데 어느 순간 조약돌이 되어있다.
언제는 새벽의 여신이 달콤한 아침 잔디에 남긴 눈물방울 같던 수익이,
다른 때는 말 그대로 눈물일 뿐이다."

호세 데 라 베가(Jose de la Vega)
[Confusion of confusions,(혼란의 혼란, 1688)]

- 듀얼 모멘텀 투자전략에서 발췌 -

[Confusion of confusions Basic 4 Rules]

The first rule in speculation is :
Never advise anyone to buy or sell shares. where guessing correctly is a form of witch craft, counsel cannot be put on airs.

The second rule :
Accept both your profits and regrets. It is best to seize what comes to hand when it comes, and not expect that your goot fortune and the favorable circumstances will last.

The Third rule :
Profit in the share market is goblin treasure: at one monent, it is carbuncles, the next it is coal; one moment diamonds, and the next pebbles. sometimes, they are the tears that Aurora leaves on the sweet morning's grass, at other times, they are just tears.

The fourth rule :
He who wishes to bevome rich from this game must have both money and patience.


